A letter of Unity

A letter of unity – By H. Wesley Robinson, II

“This is something I wrote many years ago. Although some of my ideas have evolved this is still an awesome read from my younger days. You will be able to see my progression in my thought process. Always changing on the spot with new verifiable information.”

This is not your typical human mantra or rhetoric. This is an honest expression from a fifth primate of earth. It has taken our species 500,000 plus years to get to the point that I can sit down on an machine and through the use of 101 keys communicate to you anything that I wish. We look back through time and realize that peoples current perception always influences their ideas about the world they live in. Most have been subjected to control through manipulation of those that have more knowledge or power. It wasn’t until the turn of this current Gregorian calenders’ turn of the century did we began to fully understand who we are and how we got here.
The truth as it seems is far more simple than we had first conceptualize through our limited understanding. It was impossible for us to understand how life and the world we lived in evolved since we had no written record or visible data. Or so we thought. We were looking in all the wrong places for things that could no exist. Forcing what we thought nature should be. We were wrong.

The cyclical process that is governed by emergence has no agenda or reason for what it does. Most of the randomalities are mutations of one system or another that works enough for it to survive in its environment. This form is constantly tested by its environment pushing it to its limits and demanding consistent results. Each form seem to specialize their capabilities for management, processing, and gathering of resources. These resources were in place before any of these forms agreed to combine to gather resources to survive. The soul reason for their existence is to pass on its codes to the following generations and leave behind a legacy of past experience and progressive change.

Every level of every system works together to allow these gathered memories and codes to pass on over and over. The amount of time that this has been going on is beyond comprehension but intelligent thought out questions have come up about reality.  Who are we? I know who I am. A 5th ape primate male on a small rock who’s environment is mostly O2. We happen to be like Goldy Locks “just right” but this has not always been this way. I suspect it will not stay this way forever. One thing about reality I have learned is that it will always change.

There are other creatures on this rock with us.Whom spend most of their day just like majority of the forms in the universe. They go about their day which is controlled by the suns rotation around the planet controlling the temperature directly influencing the inhabitants of that Eco system. Ours luckily has been able to evolve for a long period of time during its Goldy Locks faze. This has allowed intelligent not just simple life to survive long enough to has lots of experience and give me the ability to communicate like this. Simple life forms communicate in many other ways than we “intelligent” life forms do. In fact plants has sensors that trump any of our measuring devices. Sometimes we do not seem to be so intelligent when compared to some simple life.
Although other forms of code on this self sustained yet sun controlled Eco system seem to be dominate we are delusional and lead to believe through our ego that we are the dominate ones here and that these resources are here for us. More like locus then primates. A locus swarm will travel from resources to resources eating every last bit gorging their selves to the point of famine for the rest of the life forms.

Is this what intelligent life does? Greed and competition was not created by humans but it was indeed named by them. Everything we experience is on a fundamental level one. We have evolved to see this whole and we are commissioned by nature with the maintenance of the system.

Competition along with the lie that there is not enough to go around stifles our ability to ration and renew resources for all the forms around us. There is not an acre of land here that belongs to its rightful owner a wise man once said. We are part of the process not the reason for it. We should be honored that we were able to become the self aware entity that can answer its questions. 98% of the species on this planet have failed. Humans, if any of them, will survive. It is what we do.

Our survival was simple only hampered by other forms competition. We struggled like anything else to gain our place at the top of the food chain. As well as killed off many great and old species. Needless to say it is our duty to assume all of their rolls as the masters of this planet. But that does not mean drain it of its life and resources for our own personal gain.

The difference between the simple life forms and us is that we can recognize the needs and change the patterns of the system as a whole. We see the chain of life and its effects from one end to the other. We are all part of this and have a responsibility to be part of the conscience.

Those of you that say you can not do it or will not do it I say to you then fail. Continue to fail and enable more of the greed that simple life forms ad-hear to. I tell you there are progressive evolving codes that are being passed along the genetic pool. Information and data has become available. And communication is instant over large areas of land. The conscience is rapidly agreeing to facts and logic. These tools have allowed us predict by past data future events giving us an unique ability to understand preventative measures and better repairs.

If you see there is a problem you have a responsibility to fix it. If you do not then you are part of the problem. There are many easily fixable problems that influence our capability to use our full potential. We are at a platoe point where more information is available and so many refuse to attain it. This supreme ignorance is harming everything around us; including ourselves.

Right now I advocate a conversation not a confrontation. It is time for us to reevaluate our role in the universe and use the past data to PREVENT future problems. This repetitious pattern of cause and effect can be stabilized and repaired. We have the ability and the resources to do so.

We must not react, but act. We must become the future evolution of the intelligent sapient beings. Once we cross that threshold we will progress exponentially. This change comes with information and truth. Epiphanies give way to supernatural delusions. Natural primitive self defenses become obsolete when confidence is instilled through experience and knowledge.

common sense

Why is it that we force ourselves to be like we are young in our evolution? We are far beyond the need for agreements and property. Who are we to claim we are owners of anyone or anything? Any harvest should always be distributed evenly among its provisors. Any labor put into survival must be shared evenly among a group. It is only fair for us to treat each other with this respect if they do the same to us. We know now that if we do not agree to help the conscience then it will turn on us.

There are some that are of the mind that they will stagger the evolution by keeping humans engaged in simple minded conditioning. These resources leeches are the heart of the problems we face on a day to day basis. All of the problems from poor physical and mental health to starvation and preventable atrocities. As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities.

The main tool that is being used against us is the illusion that we are different and one is better than the other. Environmental constants produced different but still fundamentally the same results. At one point humans were numbered as little as 5000. We barely escaped extinction then and that memory is forever coded in our DNA.

Now ladies and gentlemen. Brothers and sisters I present to you that just like our ignorance in many areas we are ignorant in our methods and intentions on a large scale. I do not deny that there other humans that realize this. Nor do I deny that there groups organized to fund food aid. But there are more groups that give money than there are groups that bring the food.
Give a man a fish feed him for a day. Show a man how to fish feed him for a lifetime. I will show you how to fish but I will not fish for you.

In order to provide freedom to anyone to be able to provide for their selves and family, we must first let go of the illusion that the fish are our possession’s. They are the possession of anyone that can catch one.

Our schools and education system shows poor results when there is better multimedia for learning and more data available than ever. This laziness is unacceptable. I am not a genius or a savant. I am no better than you brother or sister. I took it as my responsibility to observe my surroundings and record the data I collected just like you. Emotions and other environmental influences make it difficult for everyone to grasp the big picture. But I implore you. Please hear what I say and when the time comes be part of the solution and do not enable greed and power to condition you along the way. It doesn’t have to  be like this. We are far beyond the need for such simple fears.

My rights end where your rights begin. Everyone should have the ability to gather and create anything they want as citizens of earth. Waring factions and tribal domination were left behind with religion and supernatural answers. We now have evolved to corporate slavery. Our wants have created monstrous entities that have taken on form of our worst fears. We are controlled from the inside. Prisoners of our own pin that we created for ourselves.

The first money were clay tablets with writing on them from Samaria. They were in a sense an agreement to pay someone for fronted needed resources. This gave both parties confidence in this agreement. Which in fact was made up in their minds. That clay tablet was worthless without the words and agreement. Fast forward to today. Think about getting a loan. You have to show them evidence that you have enough resources to be fronted right? Well does that bank really have the resources if all they have are clay tablets? Do you think its right that they can create false confidence while you are left to produce real resources?

It has not always been this way. More than once in history have great leaders pushed back the worst part of the human evil. It takes leaders that are selfless and see the big picture. People like the french that overthrew a tyrant monarchy or of the united states of America that revolted against debited resource leeches.

the future

In modern humanity, we observe more embedded and complex manipulation than monarchy or just taxes. We have scum to simple Freudian influences with out realizing it. On every level we have allowed corruption. Our governments are all corrupt. Everyone of them. Anything put into place by a particular party or influence has an agenda. The humans that allow this are un informed, dis informed and mis informed. This is the curse of knowledge. How can we tell the truth? Be skeptical. Question everything and investigate on your own with out bias. Position your self to find out the facts and counter-facts. There are always two sides to every story. When you understand the drastic ends to opposition. You can look at situations from the prospective of the ultimate observer thus allowing for progressive change from a third person perspective.

It is moral and right to want better for everyone and to do what it takes to make that a reality. This nonsense about how we do not have enough or can not do it because is an excuse for fear. If you are creative enough and willing to do what it takes you can do anything. It takes will to want to change. Enough is enough with the defense mechanisms there is no need to freak out we know what needs to be done.

planning real change

First of all we all must realize that it will take each of us to apply ourselves fully to doing our best everyday. There can be no excuses or trying there must be do or not do. The change will not be easy at first but over time will become easier. Each of us might have to give up some form of luxury or un needed surplus of resource. But the goal is to make you suffocated with your needs not wants. There are simple things we all need. Food, clean drinking water, shelter, and good health. If we can distribute  this burden among everyone evenly it will be much easier for us to survive.  United we stand, divided we fall.

This change does not have to come at the expense of comfort or convenience. In fact it must include more clever ways to allow intelligent skilled humans to be freed from doing simple tasks. We must automate everything we possibly can. This will force humans back into science and arts. We are lead to believe that life can not be any better. We are told be be happy with this system because it is all we have. These are lies that are spread like a virus infecting fear among otherwise open minded individuals.

With all of humanity free to do what they please because they have all the resources available to them they need, they would have a new sense of ambition and incentive. These new ambitions would spawn the need for more ways of making things easier for us to do more complex tasks. We begin to raise the standards and increase productivity through intuitive tools that help with simple tasks.

The best thing to do is start big and work its way backwards to simple. Take a look at our governments. They are far to complex. They really are a simple idea. A way to manage a group of humans and resources. So lets takes that for face value. We have so many resources available and so many people lets divide them up evenly. That is the governments job. Some how it has taken on the parenting job of society as well now. This is a conflict of interest and must not be allowed. The moral decay of society is directly connected to the corruption of the governments and the mis handling of our resources. I propose a open source online eGovernment. One where every person that has interest can look at where the resources are being allocated in a simple user friendly fashion from a massive database of accountable data. Only the prudent information that this software would need to know to evenly distribute the resources would be recorded. Proof with evidence. This software would be unbiased and un changeable. In the event that something happened to it there would be back ups available with no down time.

In order to calculate how much is really available. We will first need to record all of it. Today corporations own all of our natural resources including fresh drinking water and farm land. We must seize these resources and declare them property of earth and its inhabitants. Each farmer will be commissioned and supplied everything they need to produce the best resources possible. Nutritional quality with amazing quantity. Each farmer locally will be assigned a possible amount of families by the software and they would take pride in knowing the people that loved and needed their life’s work (Incentive to be a farmer) lets make the farmers, teachers and scientists rock stars like musical artists.

With the introduction of the localized farming act we would have the ability to be free to adventure into creating self sustaining family homes that are made from natural local resources. Not only “green” and modern the structures will be engineered with nature in mind and reflect the need to coexist and keep our resources plentiful. Comfort and modern living will be the direct influence on design while utilizing natural temperature control, energy generation, and insulation. Keeping in mind time management we should strive to make things that we need to survive easier and faster. Automation will not only be prevalent on the farm or in our government but in our homes. The focus is freedom through tools.

From childhood on we must plan our lives differently. As of right now we hated if we are clever yet we despise a fool. Everyone has things they personally like and areas of talent that develop early. We are adult humans must focus our attention on the new generations and what they are good at. Each child should be given one on one time with humans that are experts in life planning. Once a childhood talent and passion is recognized that child would be given any information or resources needed to progress and achieve satisfaction from their lives. They must be taught how to learn not what to learn. Instead of being told a step by step arithmetic method to find the answer. They must be allowed to truly understand the answer by exploration in every kind of media and influence. Learning must be fun and interactive not a grind to under achievement.

In an informed and properly supplied society there would be no need for police or military.  All of our laws can be summarized with one concept. Treat others how you want to be treated. If there were no needs then someone wanting more would feel selfish and not commit crimes against humanity. It is the fear and illusion of scarcity that dilutes peoples morals giving way to crime and punishment. Smother the needs and put out the fire of scarcity. A hungry man that steals to eat is not a thief but a full man that steals food should be looked upon as the lowest humans on earth and not be allowed to participate in a pluralistic society.

Accordingly each person must do their part to apply their selves to the greater good. People will be given the ability if they want to go help others learn to provide for their selves. The goal of the management of resources is for everyone to be able to be self sufficient on their own property. Kits to produce a home will be given to prospective families and persons of earth. Land will be given and distributed evenly. If you have resources on your land you will be required to learn how to manage and produce them for everyone. If persons that are assigned this land are unable to do so they will be given a type of property they would like.

The majority of humans will live in gigantic mega buildings that are designed to last. All domiciles will be given hydroponic systems to grow food for personal taste while families will receive from their assigned Farmer weekly groceries. Peoples day to day life will vary. Most of the education will be done via the Internet with multimedia and interactive media. Allowing professors the ability to interact with students on a more one on one basis. A student might have a teacher on the other side of the world enabling them to have a worldly view of things young.

People that find interest in certain subjects will find there selves able to meet with others like them. This easy communication over the free world wide web allows for progress and feelings of unity. Children will be positioned to explore their inner most dreams. Every one of us could be a champion or professional.


In order for this to happen it must be discussed. This is the reason I am writing this. You must first name the problem in order to fix it. Delusionally believing the way things are going is good does not help to fix the issues. In fact things are the opposite of what they should be. The tools and resources are available. I do not propose we stop progress but the direction in which we are sailing. This society is not moral. Its moral decay forces good people to do bad things and believe in false faith. We should all live our lives honestly and morally. The day we accept that we need to make change is the day we begin to actually do it. I will not stand by idle while I still have breath. This battle will not be won by force but by reasoning. Society will always try to discredit revolutionary ideas because of fear and control. 
But at some point everything boils over and we will be left to pick up the pieces. We must realize this early and plan for something better. The evolved future human society.

A message to those that call themselves Militia in 2016

This is NOT a call to arms or the straw the broke the camels back. Its is time to reflect on and figure out what the plan is. This current mentality will only get good men killed following dumbasses that know nothing about what needs to be done. You can not tout old laws around in modern civilization and expect to use violence to force it. Imagine this. You go out there with your little assault rifle and the FBI bring out satellites and drones while you are begging for snacks. Its a joke. Until any organized group starts to understand the reality of technology and social evolution they will end up like the guy that got shot by the FBI and branded as psychopaths. I feel like there is this “faith” which is insane behind this and the people that could be useful will be thrown into the meat grinder at the whim of this delusion of the 1700s. You know what the founding fathers would be doing now? Negotiating. These movements have no leverage and no support from the majority of people going to work and paying taxes. They have access to all of your information by their monitoring methods in real time. This is what is baffling to me. I dont see one hacker with them. Not one person helping them with crypto or any kind of tech security. It looks like a show to me. Nothing more than a bunch of fool hearty attention seekers that have no end game or plan. Just their faith in a document that is outdated and unable to be used properly by anyone that votes. We all know where this is going but the question is what kind of future do you want? Do you want one of violence and constant strife or would you prefer to be part of its construction? Dont think that it was the American Militia that defeated the King. It was Thomas Jefferson’s Pen. Remember that as you call for violence.


The Hugh News Blog Official Launch

It has come to my attention that many people enjoy my posts and musing about different subjects. So in order to affiliate a place where these things can have a proper place to be viewed I have started a blog! Here you will find archives of my projects as well as the latest current events posts. Please feel free to comment and I will reply!

Easy Gene Editing with CRISPR

The first term is an acronym for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” a description of the genetic basis of the method; Cas9 is the name of a protein that makes it work. Technical details aside, Crispr-Cas9 makes it easy, cheap, and fast to move genes around—any genes, in any living thing, from bacteria to people. “These are monumental moments in the history of biomedical research,” Baltimore says. “They don’t happen every day.”

Using the three-year-old technique, researchers have already reversed mutations that cause blindness, stopped cancer cells from multiplying, and made cells impervious to the virus that causes AIDS. Agronomists have rendered wheat invulnerable to killer fungi like powdery mildew, hinting at engineered staple crops that can feed a population of 9 billion on an ever-warmer planet. Bioengineers have used Crispr to alter the DNA of yeast so that it consumes plant matter and excretes ethanol, promising an end to reliance on petrochemicals. Startups devoted to Crispr have launched. International pharmaceutical and agricultural companies have spun up Crispr R&D. Two of the most powerful universities in the US are engaged in a vicious war over the basic patent. Depending on what kind of person you are, Crispr makes you see a gleaming world of the future, a Nobel medallion, or dollar signs.

The technique is revolutionary, and like all revolutions, it’s perilous. Crispr goes well beyond anything the Asilomar conference discussed. It could at last allow genetics researchers to conjure everything anyone has ever worried they would—designer babies, invasive mutants, species-specific bioweapons, and a dozen other apocalyptic sci-fi tropes. It brings with it all-new rules for the practice of research in the life sciences. But no one knows what the rules are—or who will be the first to break them.




The Benefits of Video Games


More often than not being a gamer I run into non gamers that think they have an opinion about how our culture is what kinds of people play video games. These stereotypes can create problems within friendships and families because of the ignorance and misconceptions that are floated to belittle “playing a game”. In this post I will attempt to make the case that not only are they wrong but they are so wrong that they are sabotaging theirselves by not even entertaining the idea that it could possibly be the opposite of what their commonly held preconceptions of such things are.

Our games require players to move rapidly, keep track of many items at once, hold a good deal of information in their mind at once, and make split-second decisions. Many of the abilities tapped by such games are precisely those that psychologists consider to be the basic building blocks of intelligence.

Hand Eye Coordination

Problem Solving Skills


Controlled Social Interaction

Avatar Psychology

Reading Comprehension

Interactive Learning

Subconscious Relaxation

Personal Challenges

Improved spatial attention

Improved Memory

Improved visual contrast sensitivity

Reduced impulsiveness

Overcoming dyslexia

Increased mental flexibility

Reversing mental decline that accompanies aging

Another thing that is overlooked is that video games improve job performance, especially for jobs that require good eye-hand coordination, attention, excellent working memory, and quick decision-making. One correlational study, for example, young, inexperienced surgeons who were also avid video gamers outperformed the most experienced surgeons in their field (Rosser et al., 2007). In an experiment, novice surgeons who were provided with experience with video games improved their performance in laparoscopic surgery compared with a control group of surgeons who did not have that experience (Schlickum et al., 2009).

To cognitive scientists, such research on effects of video games is fascinating in part because it demonstrates that the brain is far more moldable, throughout a person’s life, than was previously believed. Until fairly recently most psychologists believed that the basic building blocks of intelligence were rather rigidly set (hard-wired) by one’s genes. But the research summarized here, coupled with much other research, indicates that this is not true. It’s interestng to note that video games appear to build these components of intelligence faster and more efficiently than any other intervention anyone has devised.

If you are a parent who has been limiting your child’s computer play because of the claims you have read of harmful effects, the research summarized here and in my previous posts on video gaming might give you pause. The bulk of the research suggests that the claims about negative effects of video gaming are largely myths and the positive effects are real. As children know in their bones, the kinds of mental skills that video games help to develop are among the skills that are increasingly important in today’s world.






The world’s first robot-run farm will harvest 30,000 heads of lettuce daily


The Japanese lettuce production company Spread believes the farmers of the future will be robots.

So much so that Spread is creating the world’s first farm manned entirely by robots. Instead of relying on human farmers, the indoor Vegetable Factory will employ robots that can harvest 30,000 heads of lettuce every day.

Don’t expect a bunch of humanoid robots to roam the halls, however; the robots look more like conveyor belts with arms. They’ll plant seeds, water plants, and trim lettuce heads after harvest in the Kyoto, Japan farm.

“The use of machines and technology has been improving agriculture in this way throughout human history,” J.J. Price, a spokesperson at Spread, tells Tech Insider. “With the introduction of plant factories and their controlled environment, we are now able to provide the ideal environment for the crops.”

